Sanjay Badri-Maharaj from Trinidad, received his MA and PhD from the Department of War Studies, Kings College London. His thesis was on India’s Nuclear Weapons Program. He has written and published extensively, including two books – The Armageddon Factor: Nuclear Weapons in the India-Pakistan Context (2000) and Indian Nuclear Strategy: Confronting the Potential Nuclear Threat from both Pakistan and China (2018). He has served as a consultant to the Ministry of National Security in Trinidad and was a visiting International Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi. This is his first instalment for Helion.
Everton Pedroza, from Brazil, has a degree in industrial design and works in the financial sector. He has developed interest in military aviation in the late 1990s and has published numerous articles online for sites such as Blog do Poder Aéreo, Warfare, Velho General, and others. Since 2019, he has been involved in intensive study of the Indian Air Force’s air strike on the terrorist camp in Balakot. This is his first book.